Notice of the Commerce Bureau of Jiangmen Municipality on Issuing the “Implementation Plan of Jiangmen on Eleven Measures to Strengthen Financial Support of Key Foreign-Funded Enterprises in the Province” (Jiang Shang Wu Zi Guan [2022] No.11)

25 February 2022

On 25 February 2022, the Commerce Bureau of Jiangmen Municipality issued the “Implementation Plan of Jiangmen on ‘Eleven Measures to Strengthen Financial Support on Key Foreign-Funded Enterprises in the Province’ ”. The implementation plan clarified relevant measures to provide financial support to key foreign-funded enterprises in Jiangmen and promote the stabilisation of foreign trade and foreign investment. Among them, specific measures include increasing the financing and credit support for key foreign-funded enterprises, reducing the financing cost of enterprises, and improving the facilitation of trade, investment and financing.

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