Ten Measures for Promoting the High-Quality Development of Freight Forwarding and Logistics Enterprises in Luohu District of Shenzhen Municipality (Luo Shang Wu [2024] No.5)

28 April 2024

On 28 April 2024, the Commerce Bureau of Luohu District of Shenzhen Municipality issued the “Ten Measures for Promoting the High-Quality Development of Freight Forwarding and Logistics Enterprises in Luohu District of Shenzhen Municiapality” (“the Measures”). For newly relocated or newly established enterprises with annual operating revenue of over RMB300 million in the previous year, the Measures proposed to provide support based on prescribed proportion of annual operating revenue. The support will last for 3 consecutive years, with a maximum annual support of up to RMB100 million. The Measures will be effective on 28 April 2024 and will remain valid for 3 years.

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