Notice of the General Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province on Issuing the “Action Plan for Promoting the High-Quality Development of Distributed Photovoltaics in Guangdong Province” (Yue Ban Han [2024] No.92)

28 May 2024

On 28 May 2024, the General Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province issued the “Action Plan for Promoting the High-Quality Development of Distributed Photovoltaics in Guangdong Province” (“the Plan”). The Plan proposed to implement various supporting policies, including the “three years exemptions, three years of 50% reduction” in corporate income tax for qualified photovoltaic power generation projects. In addition, the Plan aimed to exempt the renewable energy surcharges for self-generated electricity by distributed photovoltaic power with self-use purpose and establish relevant government fund for major water conservancy projects and post-settlement support fund for medium and large-sized reservoirs. Distributed photovoltaic projects are exempted from system reserve capacity fees and other related grid connection service fees. In terms of financial support, the Plan proposed to guide financial institutions to leverage the monetary policy tools and facilitate credit support for distributed photovoltaics.

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