Development Timeline

Witnessed by President Xi Jinping, the National Development and Reform Commission and the governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao sign in Hong Kong the Framework Agreement on Deepening Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Cooperation in the Development of the Greater Bay Area, which provides that the objective of co-operation is to implement the principle of “One Country, Two Systems” fully and accurately, improve and innovate the co-operation mechanism, establish a mutually complementary co-operation relationship, and jointly take forward the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
1 July
The 20th Plenary of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference is held in Hong Kong. The governments of Guangdong and Hong Kong agree to take forward the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area together, and foster the flow of people, goods, capital and information within the Greater Bay Area, with a view to developing the Greater Bay Area into a world-class innovation and technology base.
18 November
The governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao co-organise a seminar in Paris to promote the business advantages brought about by the development of the Greater Bay Area, and encourage French enterprises to seize the opportunities of the Greater Bay Area.
20 June
The first plenary meeting of the Leading Group for the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is held in Beijing to discuss and plan for priority areas of work for the Greater Bay Area development.
15 August
With the implementation of the Regulations for Application of Residence Permit for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Residents, eligible Hong Kong residents living in the Mainland may apply for residence permits to enjoy various facilitation arrangement which cover areas relating to daily living, including employment, education, healthcare, travel and financial services.
From 1 September
The HKSAR Government and the Ministry of Science and Technology sign an arrangement and an agreement to foster co-operation between Hong Kong and the Mainland in various areas of innovation and technology. 16 Partner State Key Laboratories in Hong Kong are also officially renamed as State Key Laboratories.
20 September
The Hong Kong Section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link opens, and the co-location arrangement is implemented at the West Kowloon Station, enhancing the high speed passenger transport network in the Greater Bay Area.
22 September
The 55-km Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the world’s longest bridge-and-tunnel sea crossing, opens. It only takes around 40 minutes to travel a distance of approximately 42km from Hong Kong Port to Zhuhai Port and Macao Port.
24 October
The Agreement on Trade in Goods under the framework of the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement comes into effect, providing for the full implementation of zero tariffs on goods of Hong Kong origin imported into the Mainland and introducing measures to expedite customs clearance of goods to facilitate trade and logistics development in the Greater Bay Area.
From 1 January
The Central Government promulgates the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, an outline document guiding the development of the Greater Bay Area. The objectives are to, through further deepening co-operation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, promote co-ordinated economic development in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, leverage the complementary advantages of the three places, and develop an international first-class bay area ideal for living, working and travelling.
18 February
The Symposium on the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is held in Hong Kong. Around 800 guests, representing relevant central ministries and various sectors of Hong Kong, Guangdong and Macao, attend the symposium to discuss the development opportunities of the Greater Bay Area.
21 February
The second plenary meeting of the Leading Group for the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is held in Beijing. After the meeting, the Central Government promulgates eight policy measures, facilitating Hong Kong residents to develop, work and reside in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area, and enabling more efficient and convenient flow of people and goods within the Greater Bay Area.
1 March
The Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issue a public notice, specifying the method for calculating “183 days” for paying individual income tax in the Mainland, i.e. any stay of less than 24 hours in the Mainland will not count as a day of presence. This further facilitates Hong Kong people who frequently commute between Hong Kong and the Mainland for work in calculating the individual income tax payable.
14 March
The Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation jointly issue a notice, stating that the nine Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area could provide tax relief to non-Mainland (including Hong Kong) high-end talents and talents in short supply working in the cities by offsetting the individual income tax differential between Hong Kong and the Mainland, as a way to lessen the actual tax burden on such talents.
14 March
A Hong Kong bank announces the launch of a pilot scheme to enable Hong Kong permanent residents to open Mainland personal bank accounts in the Greater Bay Area remotely by attestation. The number of pilot banks is increasing continuously.
20 March
The HKSAR Government launches the Funding Scheme for Youth Entrepreneurship in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Funding Scheme for Experiential Programmes at Innovation and Entrepreneurial Bases in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to encourage and support innovation and entrepreneurship by Hong Kong young people in different cities of the Greater Bay Area.
22 March
The Hong Kong/Shenzhen Co-operation Meeting is held in Shenzhen. The governments of Hong Kong and Shenzhen agree to deepen co-operation through participating in the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and steadfastly take forward initiatives as set out in the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area that are pertaining to Hong Kong-Shenzhen co-operation.
2 April
The Department of Justice of the HKSAR and the Supreme People’s Court sign an arrangement, under which Hong Kong becomes the first jurisdiction outside the Mainland where, as a seat of arbitration, the parties concerned are able to apply to the Mainland courts for interim measures. This arrangement strengthens legal co-operation between Hong Kong and the Mainland and further enhances Hong Kong’s status as a centre for international arbitration in the Asia-Pacific region.
2 April
The governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao jointly organise a symposium on the Greater Bay Area in Tokyo to encourage various sectors in Japan to seize the opportunities of the Greater Bay Area. The symposium is attended by over 1 000 representatives from local enterprises and sectors.
9 April
The HKSAR Government and the Guangzhou Municipal Government sign a framework agreement to collaborate in rolling out an agricultural project (the “Cailanzi” plan), which aims to enhance the quality of agricultural products in the Greater Bay Area and give additional guarantees for the food safety and quality of vegetables and fruits supplied to the Greater Bay Area.
9 May
The 21st Plenary of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference is held in Guangzhou. Under the principles of complementarity and mutual benefits, both sides strive for policy innovation and breakthrough to take forward the development of the Greater Bay Area, particularly in the key co-operation areas of further promoting innovation and technology, professional services, and youth development etc. After the plenary, both sides jointly hold a plaque presentation ceremony to 10 youth innovation and entrepreneurial bases in the Greater Bay Area.
16 May
The Department of Justice of Guangdong Province implements further liberalisation measures for setting up partnership associations with Mainland law firms in the Guangdong Province, including the removal of the minimum capital injection ratio of 30% by Hong Kong partner firms in the partnership associations, and that legal practitioners from Hong Kong, Macao and the Mainland can be employed in the name of the partnership associations.
1 August
The judicial authorities of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao hold the first Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area Legal Departments Joint Conference in Hong Kong to strengthen exchanges and collaborations, and promote legal development in the Greater Bay Area, thereby providing more comprehensive and inclusive legal and dispute resolution services to businesses.
12 September
The governments of Hong Kong and Macao hold the 11th Hong Kong Macao Co-operation High Level Meeting in Macao to explore how the two sides can collaborate in taking forward the development of the Greater Bay Area and achieve a win-win outcome for the diversified development of industries as well as economic and social development of both places.
26 September
As a tripartite collaboration, each of China Post, Hongkong Post and Macao Post and Telecommunications issues its own special stamps on the Greater Bay Area. The special stamp issued by Hongkong Post depicts the connectivity and complementarity of the 11 Greater Bay Area municipalities and underscores Hong Kong’s strategic role in the development of the Greater Bay Area.
26 September
The third plenary meeting of the Leading Group for the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is held in Beijing. After the meeting, the Central Government promulgates 16 policy measures, benefitting people from all walks of life. There are measures facilitating the development of Hong Kong’s professional sectors in the Greater Bay Area, and supporting the development of an international innovation and technology hub in the Greater Bay Area.
6 November
The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department of the HKSAR Government and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangdong Province sign the Framework Agreement on the Co-operation in Agricultural Matters to strengthen the exchange and co-operation in agriculture between Guangdong and Hong Kong and to promote high-quality agricultural development in the Greater Bay Area.
13 November
The National Immigration Administration announces the establishment of a service platform for the use of entry and exit permits for identity authentication, which further facilitates the use of the Hong Kong and Macao Residents Entry and Exit Permits in areas of transport, finance, communications, education, healthcare, social security, industry and commerce, taxation, accommodation, etc.
21 January
The China Meteorological Administration promulgates the Meteorological Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (2020-2035) to further strengthen meteorological co-operation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, involving areas such as meteorological data sharing, meteorological scientific research and innovation, and training of meteorological personnel.
29 April
The Agreement Concerning Amendment to the Agreement on Trade in Services under the framework of the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement comes into effect, whereby new liberalisation measures are introduced in services sectors such as legal services, construction and related engineering services, and financial services, including those implemented on a pilot basis in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area, so as to further lower the market access thresholds in the Mainland for Hong Kong services suppliers.
1 June
The Human Resources and Social Security Department of Guangdong Province issued the notice on the trial administrative measures on open recruitment of Hong Kong and Macao residents by public institutions in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area, with a view to facilitating talent exchange in the Greater Bay Area while at the same time providing Hong Kong young people with more development opportunities in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area.
24 June
The Development Bureau of the HKSAR Government holds a briefing on new measures that facilitate the architectural and engineering sectors in starting businesses and practising in the Greater Bay Area. Eligible enterprises and professionals from the architectural, engineering, surveying and landscape sectors in Hong Kong may directly provide services in the Greater Bay Area by obtaining equivalent qualifications in the Mainland through a registration system. These measures help local architectural and engineering sectors to grasp the opportunities of the Greater Bay Area and expand their businesses.
15 July
The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress passes a decision, which allows eligible Hong Kong legal practitioners to practise in specific areas of Mainland law in the nine Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area upon passing a special examination and obtaining the practice qualifications.
11 August
The Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point comes into operation, which is the seventh land-based control point at the Hong Kong-Shenzhen boundary. The cargo clearance facilities open for use by cross-boundary goods vehicles first. The commissioning of the new boundary control point substantially shortens the travelling time between Hong Kong and eastern Shenzhen as well as eastern Guangdong, thereby facilitating the smooth operation of cross-boundary logistics.
26 August
The Shenzhen Municipality passes the law that allows Hong Kong-invested enterprises registered in Qianhai to agree on the adoption of Hong Kong law as the applicable law in their civil and commercial contracts (i.e. “wholly-owned Hong Kong enterprises to adopt Hong Kong law”) with effect from October 2020.
26 August
The HKSAR Government establishes the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Office (Office), which is the main unit responsible for maintaining close liaison with the Mainland authorities and the Macao Special Administrative Region Government on the development of the Greater Bay Area. The Office is also responsible for strengthening internal co-ordination within the HKSAR Government in promoting the development of the Greater Bay Area, liaising with local and overseas stakeholders, and disseminating information about the development of the Greater Bay Area to different sectors of the community through strategic publicity and promotion efforts.
23 November
The Central Government promulgates the Work Plan for Regulatory Innovation and Development of Pharmaceutical and Medical Device in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, which allows designated healthcare institutions operating in the nine Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area to use Hong Kong-registered drugs with urgent clinical use, and medical devices used in Hong Kong public hospitals with urgent clinical use, subject to the approval of Guangdong Province.
25 November
The Shenzhen Bay Control Point commences “round-the-clock” cargo clearance service to further support the logistics flow between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, progressively implementing the “East in East out, West in West out” strategy for cross-boundary goods traffic.
10 December
Under the Single E-lock Scheme, the number of clearance points in Hong Kong has increased to 13, while the number of clearance points in the Guangdong Province has increased to over 60, covering all nine Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area and providing the trade with over 800 cross-boundary route options.
15 December
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Office of the Leading Group for the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Guangdong Provincial Government jointly promulgate the Culture and Tourism Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, which sets out the directions for the overall cultural and tourism development of the Greater Bay Area and guides the development of the Greater Bay Area into an exchange hub for culture of the East and the West and a world-class tourism destination. It also helps strengthen the positions of Hong Kong as an international cultural metropolis and an international tourism hub.
24 December
The HKSAR Government launches the Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme to encourage and support university graduates in Hong Kong to work and pursue their careers in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area. The HKSAR Government grants a monthly allowance of HK$10,000 to the enterprises for each graduate employed for up to 18 months.
8 January
The Legislative Council of the HKSAR approves funding to commence Batch 1 development of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park (HSITP). Upon its full development, the HSITP will provide a gross floor area of 1.2 million square metres and become Hong Kong’s largest-ever innovation and technology platform. The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Co-operation Zone, which comprises the HSITP and the Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Zone, will realise the concept of “one zone, two parks” at “one river, two banks” under the auspices of “One Country, Two Systems”, thereby supporting the development of an international innovation and technology hub in the Greater Bay Area.
5 February
The National People’s Congress approves the National 14th Five-Year Plan, which supports the high-quality development of the Greater Bay Area, the deepening and widening of mutual access between the financial markets of Hong Kong and the Mainland, as well as the strengthening of exchanges and co-operation between Hong Kong and the Mainland on different fronts. In addition, the Plan supports Hong Kong in consolidating and enhancing its status in four traditional sectors (i.e. international financial, trade and transportation centres as well as a centre for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region), while at the same time recognising and supporting Hong Kong’s development in four emerging areas (i.e. an international innovation and technology centre, an international aviation hub, an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange, and an intellectual property trading centre).
11 March
The Legislative Council of the HKSAR passes a motion on the implementation of co-location arrangement at the new Huanggang Port, which would substantially enhance clearance efficiency and capacity of the new Huanggang Port.
14 March
The thematic meeting of the Leading Group for the Development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is held in Guangzhou, at which discussions focus on major issues such as the development of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Co-operation Zone and co-operation in Qianhai.
22 April
The 22nd Plenary of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference is held through video conferencing. With the common objective of taking forward the development of the Greater Bay Area, the governments of Guangdong and Hong Kong discuss further exchanges and co-operation in the areas of innovation and technology, finance, legal and dispute resolution services, support for Hong Kong enterprises to tap into the Mainland domestic market, medicine and healthcare, youth development, education etc. A number of co-operation agreements are signed after the plenary, which cover the deepening of investment promotion co-operation in the Greater Bay Area, and the fostering of co-operation between Guangdong and Hong Kong in equine industry development.
14 May
With the support of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Office, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council launches the GoGBA one-stop digital platform to provide information about the markets and policies of the Greater Bay Area as well as various kinds of services, rendering comprehensive support to Hong Kong businesses.
10 June
The Hong Kong Trade Development Council Greater Bay Area Centre is formally established in Shenzhen to provide on-site support and assist small and medium enterprises in expanding their businesses in the Greater Bay Area.
10 June
The inaugural Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Legal Professional Examination is held. Eligible Hong Kong legal practitioners may, provide legal services on specified civil and commercial matters to which the Mainland laws apply upon passing the Examination and obtaining qualifications to practise in the nine Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area.
30 July
The State Council agrees that the 15th National Games will be co-hosted by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in 2025. This initiative is very meaningful and in line with the goal of building a bay area for leisure and shaping a healthy bay area as presented in the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The HKSAR Government will work closely with the relevant ministries of the Central Government, the Guangdong Province and the Macao Special Administrative Region Government, and conduct the preparatory work according to the Central Government’s requirement of organising a “simple, safe and wonderful” event.
26 August
The Working Group on the Greater Bay Area Mediation Platform is formally established by the legal departments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. At its inaugural meeting, the qualification and accreditation standards for mediators in the Greater Bay Area, best practices for mediators’ code of conduct, and guidelines for mediation rules applicable to cross-boundary disputes are discussed.
26 August
The Guangdong Provincial Government announces the Streamlined Approval Procedures for Sale of Hong Kong Registered Traditional Proprietary Chinese Medicines for External Use in the Greater Bay Area, which further facilitate Hong Kong proprietary Chinese medicines manufacturers in tapping into the Greater Bay Area market. In December of the same year, the Guangdong Provincial Medical Products Administration announces the first batch of products approved for sale in the Mainland under the streamlined approval procedures.
27 August
The School of Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen commences, with an intake of 30 students in the first year.
4 September
The Central Government promulgates the Plan for Comprehensive Deepening Reform and Opening Up of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone (Qianhai Plan), under which the area of the Qianhai Cooperation Zone will expand by seven times to 120.56 square kilometres. The Qianhai Plan stresses the promotion of high-level opening up in Qianhai, the fostering of innovative development of modern service industries, and the acceleration of the building of a system of modern services that is compatible with Hong Kong and international standards.

The Central Government also promulgates the Plan for the Development of the Guangdong-Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone in Hengqin (Hengqin Plan) on 5 September, which creates favourable conditions for the diversified development of Macao and provides many facilitating measures for the development of its industries.
6 September
The High-level Meeting cum Hong Kong/Shenzhen Co-operation Meeting 2021 is held in Shenzhen. The two sides agree to promote high-level co-operation in different areas and make joint contribution to the development of the Greater Bay Area under the spirit of complementarity and mutual benefits.
6 September
The governments of Hong Kong and Shenzhen sign a co-operation arrangement on the establishment of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Co-operation Zone, under which the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation will kick-start the establishment of the Shenzhen branch of Hong Kong Science Park in the Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Zone, thus allowing institutes and enterprises that are interested in starting their business in the Greater Bay Area to first establish presence in the Co-operation Zone. Meanwhile, in order to jointly attract talents and enterprises to develop in the Co-operation Zone, the governments of Hong Kong and Shenzhen put forward a joint policy package covering support measures on facilitating flow of talents as well as scientific research resources and business development, etc.
6 September
The Guangdong Provincial Government promulgates further liberalisation measures, which include expanding the coverage of the registration measures in the Greater Bay Area to enable town planning-related enterprises and professionals in Hong Kong to directly provide services in the Guangdong Province (including the nine Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area) after registration.
7 September
Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect in the Greater Bay Area is officially launched, which enables residents in the Greater Bay Area to carry out cross-boundary investment in wealth management products distributed by eligible banks in the area. Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect is an important measure that deepens and widens mutual access between the financial markets of the Mainland and Hong Kong. It underlines the unique advantages of Hong Kong’s financial system under “One Country, Two Systems”, and facilitates the financial development and further opening-up of the country. Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect services are provided by the banks concerned from 19 October onwards.
10 September
Southbound Trading under Bond Connect is officially launched, which provides a convenient, efficient and secure channel for Mainland institutional investors to invest in offshore bonds through the Hong Kong bond market. This further deepens mutual access between the Mainland and Hong Kong bond markets.
24 September
The Shenzhen Municipal Government announces the issuance of offshore Renminbi (RMB) local government bonds not exceeding RMB5 billion in Hong Kong, which is the first time a Mainland municipal government issues bonds outside the Mainland. This enriches further the range of RMB financial products available in the Hong Kong market, and promotes the internationalisation of RMB.
24 September
Invest Hong Kong of the HKSAR Government and its counterparts in Guangdong and Macao establish the Pan-Greater Bay Area Inward Investment Liaison Group to develop joint inward investment propositions, with a view to showcasing the huge development potential of the Greater Bay Area to attract foreign direct investment and promote the overall development of the region.
30 September
The HKSAR Government releases the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy. Under the framework of “One Country, Two Systems”, the Development Strategy is the first strategic action agenda devised by the HKSAR Government with a spatial concept and strategic mindset going beyond the administrative boundary of Hong Kong and Shenzhen. The Northern Metropolis will be the most important area in Hong Kong that facilitates its development integration with Shenzhen and connection with the Greater Bay Area.
6 October
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) jointly announce that the two authorities have signed a memorandum of understanding to link up the PBoC’s Fintech Innovation Regulatory Facility with the HKMA’s Fintech Supervisory Sandbox in the form of a “network”, thereby providing a “one-stop platform” to allow eligible financial institutions and technology firms to conduct pilot trials of cross-boundary fintech initiatives, concurrently in Hong Kong and the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area. This enhances the quality and efficiency of financial services in the Greater Bay Area, and strengthens financial support for the development of the Greater Bay Area.
21 October
The Pan-Greater Bay Area Inward Investment Liaison Group organises a conference in Shanghai, promoting the business advantages and opportunities in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and encouraging enterprises to seize the co-operation and development opportunities arising from the Qianhai Plan and the Hengqin Plan.
8 November
The GBA Mediator Accreditation Standards and the GBA Mediator Code of Conduct Best Practice, endorsed by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area Legal Departments Joint Conference, are officially released and become effective. This fosters the professional development of mediators in the Greater Bay Area and enhances the confidence of mediation users within the Greater Bay Area.
30 December
To mark the third anniversary of the promulgation of the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and to feature close co-operation and strong ties among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, Hongkong Post issues commemorative stamp products on the theme of “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development”, showing the iconic landmarks and latest developments of different cities in the Greater Bay Area.
18 February
The governments of Hong Kong and Shenzhen sign a framework agreement on co-operation in Mirs Bay pilotage, under which a consensus has been reached in various areas of co-operation including the scope of pilotage services for vessels, deployment of pilots and charging arrangements. This is conducive to enhancing the safety and efficiency of navigation, thereby further promoting the integrated development of pilotage services within the Greater Bay Area.
15 March
The 2022 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Legal Professional Examination is successfully held in Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Zhuhai. Through the Examination, more Hong Kong legal practitioners familiar with the laws of both places will be available to provide professional services for the development of the Greater Bay Area.
11 June
The Central Government promulgates the Overall Plan for Deepening Globally Oriented Comprehensive Co-operation amongst Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha of Guangzhou (Nansha Plan). Based on new policies to be introduced by the governments of Guangdong Province and Guangzhou Municipality in Nansha, the HKSAR Government will support various sectors of the community in seizing the opportunities brought about by the development of the Greater Bay Area and the Nansha Plan.
14 June
The “Art >< Creativity” exhibition series in the Greater Bay Area co-organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of the HKSAR Government and the Hong Kong Designers Association are held in five cities of the Greater Bay Area, namely Huizhou, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Jiangmen and Zhaoqing. The works of 10 Hong Kong artists and designers or design groups are showcased to further foster cultural exchanges among the cities of the Greater Bay Area.
From 27 June
President Xi Jinping attends the meeting celebrating Hong Kong’s return to the motherland and the inaugural ceremony of the sixth-term HKSAR Government, and delivers an important speech. President Xi states that Hong Kong’s close connection with the world market and strong support from the motherland are its distinctive advantages, and such favorable conditions are cherished by the people of Hong Kong and by the Central Government as well. The Central Government fully supports Hong Kong in its effort to maintain its distinctive status and edges, to improve its presence as an international financial, shipping and trading center, to keep its business environment free, open and regulated, and to maintain the common law, so as to expand and facilitate its exchanges with the world, and proposes that Hong Kong should continue to create strong impetus for growth. The Central Government fully supports Hong Kong in its effort to seize historic opportunities offered by China’s development and actively dovetail itself with the 14th Five-Year Plan and other national strategies such as the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and high-quality Belt and Road co-operation.
1 July
The Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks sets up the GBA InnoAcademy and the GBA InnoExpress to nurture start-ups and support innovation and technology enterprises to attract foreign investments and go global.
6 July
The Traditional Chinese Medicine Bureau of Guangdong Province, the Health Bureau of the HKSAR Government, the Health Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government and the Zhongshan Municipal People’s Government jointly hold the 4th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Conference on Inheritance, Innovation and Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine to promote in-depth integration and development of Chinese medicine in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
25 August
The Chief Executive holds a video conference on deepening Guangdong-Hong Kong co-operation with the leaders of Guangdong Province, Shenzhen Municipality and Guangzhou Municipality to exchange views on issues of mutual interest, including deepening Hong Kong’s co-operation with Guangdong, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and further promoting the development of the Greater Bay Area. All sides reach consensus on various subjects. In terms of enhancing the Guangdong-Hong Kong co-operation mechanism, both sides agree to set up 13 working groups to cover major areas of co-operation mechanism, including the Northern Metropolis; the Nansha Plan; innovation and technology; finance; commerce and trade; youth employment, entrepreneurship and internship; legal and dispute resolution services; and maritime, aviation and logistics. Hong Kong and Shenzhen will also set up 19 working groups to cover collaboration in various key areas including innovation and technology, finance, commerce and trade, youth employment and entrepreneurship, and Qianhai.
1 September
The Chief Executive delivers a video speech at the opening ceremony of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). The university is the first higher education institution co-operated by the Mainland and Hong Kong and with the approval from the Ministry of Education since the promulgation of the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in 2019.
1 September
The Chief Executive attends the opening ceremony of Minxin Hong Kong School in Nansha, Guangzhou, in the form of video conferencing. The school adopts Hong Kong curriculum from primary to secondary education in a 12-year through-train mode.
1 September
The HKSAR Government and Shenzhen Municipal Government jointly promulgate the 18 Measures for Supporting the Linked Development of Shenzhen and Hong Kong Venture Capital Investments in Qianhai. The 18 measures provide facilitation and preferential policies for the Hong Kong private equity industry and promote the development of a mechanism that links Shenzhen and Hong Kong venture capital investments.
2 September
The Chief Executive announces, in his 2022 Policy Address, the establishment of the Steering Group on Integration into National Development, which takes forward and provides steer for the work on integration into national development holistically from a macro perspective, and formulates strategic plans for Hong Kong to actively dovetail with key national strategies such as the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development. The Chief Executive also announces that the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong will set up a dedicated promotion centre to support the development of Hong Kong people and enterprises in the Greater Bay Area.
19 October
The Shenzhen Municipal Government announces the issuance of offshore Renminbi (RMB) local government bonds not exceeding RMB5 billion in Hong Kong, which will be listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. The Shenzhen Municipal Government is issuing bonds in Hong Kong again after its successful experience in 2021, fully demonstrating that Hong Kong is the premier platform for issuance of RMB debt products.
24 October
The governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao sign the Memorandum of Understanding on the Exchange and Collaboration on Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Amongst the Greater Bay Area to further strengthen the collaborations on archaeological and cultural heritage in the Greater Bay Area, including research, preservation, education, promotion, community participation, and cultural products development, etc.
9 November
The Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) and the Zhuhai Municipal Government sign the Zhuhai Municipal Government and AAHK Co-operation Memorandum of Understanding, which aims to deepen the co-operation between Hong Kong International Airport and Zhuhai Airport. Hong Kong and Zhuhai will strive to achieve direct air-land-air passenger service through the land transport linkage of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, develop international air cargo business of Hong Kong and Zhuhai, take forward the development of a high-end aviation industrial cluster, proactively discuss the acquisition of the equity of Zhuhai Airport by the AAHK, etc.
9 November
The Chief Executive chairs the first meeting of the Steering Group on Integration into National Development, which focuses on the discussion of the key and priority policies and initiatives for Hong Kong to dovetail with the national strategies. The Chief Executive says that the Steering Group and its Subgroups will formulate and implement various policy initiatives by adhering to the principle of being proactive and pragmatic, and achieving mutual benefits with the Mainland, with a view to promoting Hong Kong’s active integration into the national development, grasping the opportunities brought about by the country’s development, and creating strong impetus for the growth of the HKSAR.
13 December
The Chief Executive chairs the first meeting of the Steering Committee on the Northern Metropolis. The Chief Executive says at the meeting that the Northern Metropolis is strategically important to Hong Kong’s future as it could bring about quality living, economic vitality and better integration with Shenzhen and other cities in the Greater Bay Area.
14 December
The HKSAR Government releases the Youth Development Blueprint, outlining the overall vision and guiding principles for the Government’s long-term youth development work in the future. The work directions include enabling young people to capitalise on the opportunities brought about by the National 14th Five-Year Plan, the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Belt and Road Initiative, and integrate into the overall development of the country, etc.
20 December
The HKSAR Government promulgates the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Development Blueprint to establish a clear development path and formulate systematic strategic planning for Hong Kong’s innovation and technology development over the next five to ten years, charting Hong Kong in moving full steam towards the vision of an international innovation and technology centre. The eight major strategies include deepening innovation and technology co-operation with the Mainland for better integration into the overall national development.
22 December
The Greater Bay Area Cross-Boundary Disputes Mediation Model Rules officially come into effect for reference and voluntary adoption of the mediation institutions and mediators within the Greater Bay Area. The various mediation standards will further promote the wider use of mediation within the Greater Bay Area.
30 December
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Task Force of the Department of Justice of HKSAR holds its first meeting to discuss the directions for the work on further enhancing the convenience and benefit for the people in the Greater Bay Area and facilitating the development of the Greater Bay Area. The work directions include enhancing the convergence of legal practices, advancing the practice of mutual legal assistance, and promoting the development of online dispute resolution and the application of lawtech.
18 January
Normal travel between Hong Kong and the Mainland fully resumes. All boundary control points commence operation without any prescribed daily number of people or nucleic acid test requirement. Cross-boundary travel by people of the two places has fully resumed as normal.
6 February
Home and Youth Affairs Bureau (HYAB) of the HKSAR Government and the Youth Development Commission jointly launch the new round of Funding Scheme for Youth Exchange in the Mainland, sponsoring non-governmental organisations to organise youth exchange tours to the Mainland. With the resumption of normal travel between Hong Kong and the Mainland as well as overseas countries, HYAB is taking forward the resumption of various youth exchange and internship programmes.
17 February
The Mainland authorities implement the exit endorsement for talents travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area on a pilot basis, with a view to facilitating Mainland talents in the Greater Bay Area to travel southbound to Hong Kong for exchanges and visits in the fields of scientific research, education, healthcare, law and business, etc.
20 February
The Hong Kong/Shenzhen Co-operation Meeting 2023 is held in Hong Kong. The governments of Hong Kong and Shenzhen have made steady progress in various co-operation areas, including Northern Metropolis development, innovation and technology, financial services, education, tourism, commerce and investment promotion, Qianhai development, professional services, cross-boundary infrastructure, youth development, environmental protection, and healthcare. Under the spirit of complementarity, both sides will continue to further deepen collaboration, with a view to jointly making greater contributions to the development of the Greater Bay Area and of the country.
22 February
The Chief Executive leads a delegation to visit Guangzhou and Shenzhen, which is his first visit to the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area since taking office. The Chief Executive meets with the leaders of Guangdong Province and Shenzhen Municipality to exchange views on Guangdong-Hong Kong collaboration in taking forward the high-quality development of the Greater Bay Area, and explore the comprehensive deepening of Hong Kong’s high-level co-operation with Guangdong and Shenzhen.
23 February
The HKSAR Government and the Shenzhen Municipal Government jointly promulgate the 16 Co-operation Measures for the Development of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Intellectual Property and Innovation Hub, which cover co-operation in intellectual property (IP) protection, exploitation and transformation, exchange and study, promotion and education, and IP trading etc. The 16 co-operation measures not only assist Hong Kong IP developers, enterprises and talents to develop their IP-related businesses in Qianhai and explore the business opportunities in the Greater Bay Area, but also support the IP industries in Qianhai to leverage Hong Kong’s unique advantages and platform to connect with the rest of the world for engaging in IP trading activities.
23 February
The People’s Bank of China, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and the People’s Government of Guangdong Province jointly promulgate the Opinion on Providing Financial Support for the Comprehensive Deepening Reform and Opening Up of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone, which sets out 30 measures to strengthen the connection and high-level co-operation between the financial markets of Hong Kong and Shenzhen, and promote the financial liberalisation and innovation of the country.
23 February
Hong Kong and Shenzhen hold the first meeting of the Task Force for Collaboration on the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy in Shenzhen. The two sides exchange views on various aspects, including cross-boundary transport, planning of control points, development of Qianhai, and works at the Lok Ma Chau Loop.
27 February
The HKSAR Government announces the launch of the regularised Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme, encouraging enterprises to employ eligible graduates and station them in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area to work and receive on-the-job training. The Labour Department holds a kick-off ceremony on 30 March, and arrangements are made for enterprises to recruit graduates on the spot.
1 March
The Chief Executive conducts a visit to Macao and meets with the Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region to have an in-depth discussion on promoting Hong Kong’s co-operation with Macao and the high-quality development of the Greater Bay Area.
2 March
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Vocational Education Park and Vocational and Professional Education Services (Shenzhen) Company Limited of the Vocational Training Council (VTC) open. This will promote further partnership between the VTC and its Mainland counterparts in the provision of joint education programmes and the development of training projects, and provide Hong Kong students with more internship opportunities in vocational and professional education and training to help them understand and prepare for the latest developments in the Greater Bay Area.
17 March
The 23rd Plenary of the Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference is held in Hong Kong. In line with the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and that of the first session of the 14th National People’s Congress and the first session of the 14th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference National Committee, both sides agree to proactively take forward the high-quality development of the Greater Bay Area, and foster high-level co-operation in different areas, including innovation and technology, financial services, Northern Metropolis development, commerce and investment promotion, cross-boundary transport and logistics, talents, healthcare, education, culture, youth development and civil service exchange.
21 March
The Chief Executive chairs the second meeting of the Steering Group on Integration into National Development. The meeting focuses on discussing strategies for Hong Kong on promoting integration into national development, namely the latest developments, future key initiatives and work plans of the National 14th Five-Year Plan, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development, the Belt and Road Initiative as well as different regional co-operation matters between Hong Kong and the Mainland.
22 March
At the meeting of the Task Force for Hong Kong/Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Cooperation, the governments of Hong Kong and Shenzhen sign the Arrangement on Comprehensive Promotion of Hong Kong/Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Cooperation. The Arrangement seeks to strengthen high-quality innovation and technology co-operation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, and bolster collaborative innovation of industries, academia and research as well as innovation and technology linkage, so as to support the development of an international innovation and technology hub in the Greater Bay Area by leveraging the respective strengths of the two places.
30 March
The Health Bureau of the HKSAR Government announces that, starting from 17 April, eligible Hong Kong elderly can use the Elderly Health Care Voucher to pay for the fees of outpatient healthcare services at the Huawei Li Zhi Yuan Community Health Service Center of the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital. This enables Hong Kong elderly residing in Shenzhen to better utilise local outpatient services.
31 March
The delegation of the first Mainland study tour for students of the senior secondary subject of Citizenship and Social Development sets off for a two-day trip to Guangzhou and Shenzhen to learn about the latest situation and development of the country.
3 April
The first Mainland study tour for newly-joined teachers visits Guangzhou for four days and three nights. About 100 newly-joined teachers participate in the study tour, which aims to enable teachers to learn more about the latest situation and development of the country, thereby strengthening their ability to cultivate students’ sense of national identity.
11 April
About 80 healthcare professionals from the Guangdong Province participating in the Greater Bay Area Healthcare Talents Visiting Programmes arrive in Hong Kong. They will engage in professional exchanges in Hong Kong for about a year, so as to enhance mutual understanding between healthcare professionals of Hong Kong and the Mainland.
17 April
The Chief Executive leads a delegation of the HKSAR Government and the Legislative Council to conduct a four-day visit to four cities of the Greater Bay Area, namely Shenzhen, Dongguan, Foshan and Guangzhou. The delegation meets with the leaders of Guangdong Province and relevant cities, and visits projects and facilities related to innovation and technology, smart city, youth development, arts and culture, and environmental protection etc. to learn more about the latest developments and opportunities in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area, so that Hong Kong could more actively participate in and promote the development of the Greater Bay Area. The trip not only manifests the unity between the executive and the legislature, but also fully demonstrates the great importance attached by the HKSAR to Greater Bay Area development, and has helped built a consensus with other cities of the Greater Bay Area in achieving mutual benefits.
21 to 24 April
The Guangdong Provincial Government has continuously extended the Measure of Using Hong Kong-registered Drugs and Medical Devices Used in Hong Kong Public Hospitals in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. As at April 2023, 23 drugs and 13 medical devices can now be used in 19 designated healthcare institutions in the Mainland cites of the Greater Bay Area.
23 April
The governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao sign a memorandum of understanding on jointly promoting the development of standards in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA Standards). Establishing GBA Standards can improve product and service quality, promote technological progress, and ensure safety and health. It is also an important technical support for economic activities and social development. The list of GBA Standards announced covers a total of 110 items in the fields of food quality and safety, Cantonese cuisine, transportation, mechanical and electrical products, as well as medical care, nursing care, education, e-sports, etc.
24 April
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Promotion Centre of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Guangdong of the HKSAR Government is officially launched to promote opportunities brought about by the Greater Bay Area development to Hong Kong people and enterprises in the Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area and provide appropriate support and assistance to them when needed.
26 April
The governments of Guangdong and Hong Kong announce that the Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles scheme will be open for application from eligible Hong Kong private cars from 1 June this year. Approved Hong Kong private cars are allowed to travel between Hong Kong and Guangdong via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) starting from 1 July. The scheme provides a convenient way for Hong Kong citizens to self-drive to Guangdong via the HZMB for business, visiting families or sight-seeing on a short-term basis, marking another important milestone in facilitating further connection among cities of the Greater Bay Area and promoting the economic integration and development of the Greater Bay Area.
1 May
The HKSAR Government has launched the Pilot Scheme for Supporting Patients of the Hospital Authority in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to enable eligible Hong Kong citizens to receive subsidised consultations at the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital (HKU-SZH). Under the Pilot Scheme, eligible patients will be required to pay a consultation fee of RMB100 for each consultation received at the designated outpatient clinic of the HKU-SZH. The remaining medical fee will then be covered by the Pilot Scheme, subject to a subsidy cap of RMB2,000. The scope of services under the Scheme will cover major Specialist Outpatient Clinics and General Outpatient Clinics services provided by the Hospital Authority.
10 May
Northbound Trading of Swap Connect is officially launched, providing a convenient and secure channel for international investors to trade interest rate swap products in the Mainland via a connection between infrastructure institutions in Hong Kong and the Mainland. The scheme aims to facilitate global investors’ management of interest rate risks arising from their allocation to Mainland bonds. It will help enhance the recognition of and confidence in Renminbi bonds in the international market and strengthen Hong Kong's role as a global risk management centre and offshore Renminbi hub.
15 May
The HKSAR and Guangzhou Governments signs a Memorandum of Understanding on Greater Bay maritime co-operation to establish a communication mechanism for maritime development; enhance exchanges on youth and maritime talents in the Greater Bay Area; and actively promote the maritime industry in the Greater Bay Area.
19 May
The 2023 Greater Bay Area Legal Professional Examination is held. Examination venue is again set up in Hong Kong, thereby facilitating the Hong Kong candidates. Moreover, as at the end of April 2023, around 200 Hong Kong legal practitioners have obtained the Lawyer’s License (Guangdong-Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area) and can provide legal services in the nine Mainland municipalities in the Greater Bay Area on specified civil and commercial matters to which the Mainland laws apply.
27 May
The kick-off ceremony is held for the Scheme on Corporate Summer Internship on the Mainland and Overseas 2023 of the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau. The 24 corporates participating in the Scheme provide a total of 328 internship placements in different Mainland provinces and cities including various cities in the Greater Bay Area, as well as a number of overseas countries. The placements cover multiple industries, such as financial services, innovation and technology, logistics, property development, retail, hospitality and public utilities.
5 June
The Development Bureau of the HKSAR Government announces the establishment of the Northern Metropolis Co-ordination Office to co-ordinate, champion and drive the development of the Northern Metropolis. With the theme of “International Innovation and Technology New City”, the Northern Metropolis integrates quality living, industries, and culture and leisure. It is a new engine for Hong Kong to scale new heights, and an important platform to promote high-quality economic co-operation between Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area and for Hong Kong to integrate into the overall national development.
12 June
The Chief Executive chairs the third meeting of the Steering Group on Integration into National Development to listen to report on the progress and co-ordination work of various strategies for promoting Hong Kong’s integration into national development, including policy areas covering finance, innovation and technology, infrastructure and transportation, healthcare, and legal and dispute resolution services under the National 14th Five-Year Plan, the Greater Bay Area development and the Belt and Road Initiative, and to make decisions and provide guidance. In addition, the meeting discussed conducting in-depth and extensive research work and further strengthening policy research and continuous formulation of new policy recommendations.
13 June
The HKD-RMB Dual Counter Model and the Dual Counter Market Making Programme are launched. The initiatives will facilitate the use of the Renminbi in equity trading in Hong Kong and further expand the Renminbi investable universe, thereby reinforcing Hong Kong’s role as the leading offshore Renminbi business hub.
19 June
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Task Force of the Department of Justice of the HKSAR Government holds its second meeting and discusses to take forward a number of recommendations, including the establishment of an information platform on legal and dispute resolution services in the Greater Bay Area; and the setting up of a high-level platform to facilitate the conduct of exchanges and research on mutual legal assistance in civil and commercial matters, etc.; actively seeking the expansion to Mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area the measures for Hong Kong-invested enterprises to choose Hong Kong law as applicable law and to choose Hong Kong as the seat of arbitration; the enhancement of the existing arrangements for mutual legal assistance in civil and commercial matters; and the establishment of a mediator panel for the Greater Bay Area and the setting up of an online mediation platform for use in the Greater Bay Area.
23 June
The Social Welfare Department of the HKSAR Government announces the expansion of the Residential Care Services Scheme in Guangdong (GD Scheme) to assist elderly persons of Hong Kong to retire in cities of the Greater Bay Area, including covering elderly persons on the Central Waiting List for subsidised nursing home places; and inviting applications from operators of residential care homes for the elderly (RCHEs) with experience of providing subsidised residential care services in Hong Kong, which are operating RCHE(s) in Greater Bay Area cities, to register their RCHEs in the Greater Bay Area as Recognised Service Provider under the GD Scheme.
28 July
The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer of the HKSAR Government announces that the first “iAM Smart” registration service counter in Guangzhou has been set up to provide Hong Kong citizens working and living in the Mainland with convenience, allowing them to register for or upgrade to “iAM Smart+” without the need to return to Hong Kong. For details and registration requirements, one can visit the “iAM Smart” thematic website at
1 August
The HKSAR Government announces the implementation of the arrangement for Hong Kong-Macao cross-boundary goods vehicles using the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB). The cross-boundary logistics transfer facility at the HZMB Macao Port (the Macao Port transfer facility) will start operation on 8 August 2023. Hong Kong goods vehicles can transport goods from Hong Kong to the Macao Port transfer facility using the HZMB, as well as transport goods from Macao back to Hong Kong. Macao goods vehicles can transport goods to the logistics facilities at the Hong Kong International Airport via the HZMB, as well as transport goods from Hong Kong back to Macao.
7 August
A delegation of the HKSAR Government attends the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Working Group on Environmental Protection meeting held in Shenzhen with a view to deepening the exchanges and co-operation for environmental protection between the two places.  Various collaborative issues between Hong Kong and Shenzhen were discussed at the meeting, including marine pollution prevention and control, wetland conservation, water quality improvement, air quality, cross-border transportation using new energy, and resources circulation, etc.
21 August
The Education Bureau of the HKSAR Government signs with the Department of Education of Guangdong Province the Framework Agreement on Strengthening Education Exchange and Co-operation between Guangdong and Hong Kong.  The agreement provides a framework to strengthen education exchanges and collaboration between Guangdong and Hong Kong.  It covers initiatives including continuously encouraging collaboration among higher education institutions in Guangdong and Hong Kong on joint provision of education services, joint talent cultivation, and technological exchanges and co-operation; enhancing co-operation on vocational education and further strengthening Qualifications Framework collaboration between the two places; promoting the pairing of sister schools in Guangdong and Hong Kong; and continuously supporting collaboration, training and exchanges among teachers in the two places, etc. 
24 August
The Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau of the HKSAR Government rolls out the “Greater Bay Area Information Station” (GBAIS) digital information platform at different spots on the Hong Kong Island, in Kowloon and the New Territories.  With a simple and easy-to-use interface, the GBAIS introduces to members of the public the development of the Greater Bay Area and useful information about Greater Bay Area cities, including the development timeline, and the development directions and policy measures in various areas, etc., thereby enhancing the understanding of different sectors of the community about the high-quality development of the Greater Bay Area.
28 August
The Central Government promulgates the “Development Plan for Shenzhen Park of Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Co-operation Zone” (Development Plan for Shenzhen Park), which comprises a total of 30 measures, covering such areas as the development positioning, objectives, overall layout and infrastructure layout of the Shenzhen Park, as well as the collaboration with Hong Kong to promote international innovation and technology (I&T) development.  It aims to promote high quality I&T development in the Greater Bay Area, and enable the Co-operation Zone to become a world-class innovation platform and an engine to drive I&T development in neighbouring cities.

The HKSAR will continue to actively work with Shenzhen to promote the advantages of the Co-operation Zone under the principle of “one zone, two parks” underpinned by the “One Country, Two Systems” principle, including to strive to implement measures for promoting the cross-boundary flow of various innovation elements. This will enable the Co-operation Zone to serve as the bridgehead for intensive I&T co-operation between the two places, and allow Hong Kong to give full play to its unique advantage of “enjoying strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world”. This, in turn, can support the development of the Greater Bay Area international I&T centre.
29 August
The Development Bureau of the HKSAR Government and the Authority of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen Municipality sign a Letter of Intent on Collaboration (LOI) to further enhance the exchanges and co-operation between enterprises and professionals in architectural and engineering industries in the two places.  The LOI promotes the establishment of a project database to assist Hong Kong enterprises in obtaining the latest information on development in the Qianhai Cooperation Zone.  It also facilitates the establishment of a regular mechanism for personnel exchanges between the two places, to assist Qianhai in building a construction management system that aligns with international standards.
31 August
The Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province, Invest Hong Kong of the HKSAR Government and the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute jointly organise the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Europe Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference in Munich, Germany.  At the Conference, the HKSAR Government promotes the vast business opportunities brought about by Greater Bay Area development, as well as the unique advantages and potential of Hong Kong.
6 September
The Hong Kong Science Park Shenzhen Branch holds an opening ceremony.  The Hong Kong Science Park Shenzhen Branch enables institutes and enterprises interested in starting their business in the Greater Bay Area to establish a presence there.  It comprises two buildings with a total gross floor area of about 31 000 square metres, providing offices, laboratories, co-working spaces, as well as conference and event facilities.  The completion of the Hong Kong Science Park Shenzhen Branch is a result of win-win co-operation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, and marks a new beginning of innovation and technology co-operation between the two places.
7 September
The Guangdong Museum, the Macao Museum and the Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMoA) jointly organise the touring exhibition “A Tale of Three Cities: Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Export of Silk Products in the Ming and Qing Dynasties” from 8 September until 17 December at the HKMoA.  This exhibition brings together 108 sets of artefacts from the three museums to showcase the Greater Bay Area landscape and silk production during the Ming and Qing dynasties, allowing visitors to explore the connections among the three places and stories of cultural exchanges between East and West through the Maritime Silk Road.
8 September
The Civil Service Bureau of the HKSAR Government and the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Guangdong Province sign in Guangzhou the Agreement on Civil Service Staff Exchange and Collaboration Programme with the Mainland Municipalities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to foster exchange between civil servants from various professional areas of the two sides.  This will in turn support the high-quality development of the Greater Bay Area.
12 September
The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the People’s Government of Guangdong Province, the HKSAR Government and the Macao SAR Government jointly organise the First “Business Conference on Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development” in Macao.  About 1 000 representatives from business communities of Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao and all over the world attend the Conference to exchange on important topics such as innovation and technology, green finance, trade rules, cultural tourism and MICE, etc.  The Conference demonstrates the development opportunities and vibrancy of the Greater Bay Area.
14 September
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Meteorological Monitoring and Warning Center (Hong Kong) (Hong Kong Center) officially commences preparation work with a view to fostering the high-quality development of meteorological services in the Greater Bay Area.  The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Meteorological Monitoring and Warning Center is a work item for the joint establishment by the three places under the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Meteorological Development Plan (2020-2035) as promulgated by the China Meteorological Administration, which aims to enhance detailed meteorological monitoring, forecasting and warning services for the Greater Bay Area through meteorological data sharing, meteorological scientific research and innovation, career development of meteorological talent, etc.  Not only is the establishment of the Hong Kong Center beneficial the enhancement of Hong Kong’s capability in disaster prevention and mitigation, but it also promotes and benefits the close collaboration and mutual development of the three places, providing strong weather service assurance to the Greater Bay Area in creating an international first-class bay area and a world-class city cluster.
14 September
The 5th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Conference on Inheritance, Innovation and Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine is held in Foshan.  The Conference witnesses the signing of agreements on multiple Greater Bay Area Chinese Medicine co-operation projects including the one on the establishment of a collaboration framework for Greater Bay Area Chinese Medicine Visiting Scholars Programme among the Hospital Authority, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the First Affiliated Hospital of the Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with a view to enhancing clinical professional exchanges and pushing ahead the development of integrated Chinese-Western medicine treatment services. 
14 September
The delegations of the HKSAR and Shenzhen Governments hold in Shenzhen a meeting of the Task Force for Medical Collaboration between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The two parties sign the Framework Agreement on Medical Collaboration between Shenzhen and Hong Kong at the meeting.  The Agreement covers areas such as healthcare services, nurturing of talents, clinical medical research, hospital quality accreditation on an international level and collaboration on Chinese medicine, paving the way for the further deepening of cross-boundary healthcare service development in the Greater Bay Area and facilitating the flow of talent, drugs and medical devices as well as healthcare services between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. 
26 September
According to the Global Innovation Index 2023 published by the World Intellectual Property Organization, the Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou science and technology cluster has ranked second globally for four consecutive years, which shows that the Greater Bay Area has unlimited potential for innovation and technology (I&T) development.  The HKSAR Government has committed nearly $200 billion in the past few years for enhancing technological research infrastructure, subsidising research and development activities, supporting collaboration among the industry, academic and research sectors, as well as pooling together and nurturing technology talents.  Moreover, proactive measures have been taken to attract strategic enterprises to establish their presence in Hong Kong with a view to accelerating and boosting the vibrant development of the I&T ecology of Hong Kong. 
27 September
The People’s Bank of China, the National Administration of Financial Regulation, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong and the Monetary Authority of Macao issue a joint announcement on further enhancing the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect Pilot Scheme along five directions, including refining the eligibility criteria of investors to support more Greater Bay Area residents to participate in the scheme, expanding the scope of participating institutions to include eligible securities firms, expanding the scope of eligible investment products, increasing the individual investor quota as appropriate, and further enhancing promotion and sales arrangements.  They will refine the implementation arrangements and operational guidance with a view to implementing the measures as soon as practicable.
28 September
The General Office of the State Council publishes the revised pilot measures for Hong Kong and Macao legal practitioners to obtain Mainland practice qualifications and to practise as lawyers in the nine Mainland municipalities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area so as to extend the period of the pilot scheme for Hong Kong and Macao legal practitioners to practise in the nine Mainland municipalities in the Greater Bay Area until 4 October 2026.  Pursuant to the revised pilot measures, the practice experience threshold for Hong Kong and Macao legal practitioners to enrol in the Greater Bay Area Legal Professional Examination has also been lowered from five years to three years.  The revised pilot measures provide the legal sector with more room for development in the Greater Bay Area. 
28 September