

The short video introduces relevant information on how children from Hong Kong can enrol in Mainland schools, enhances viewers’ understanding of public, privately-run and international schools for children from Hong Kong and Macao.


There are mainly three stages of education in the Mainland:

  1. pre-school education: mainly referring to kindergarten stage. Children must reach the age of 3 for admission. There are nurseries in the Guangdong Province for children under the age of 3, which normally admit children aged 2 to 3;
  2. primary and secondary education: nine-year compulsory education is practised in the Mainland, which covers primary and junior secondary levels. Children must reach the age of 6 for admission to primary schools. Upon graduation from junior secondary schools, students may pursue further studies at public or privately-run senior secondary schools, or secondary vocational schools. International schools may have a different academic structure, details of which are set out in their prospectuses;
  3. higher education: including vocational training (college programmes), undergraduate programmes, and postgraduate programmes, etc.

The HKSAR Government has introduced the Mainland University Study Subsidy Scheme (MUSSS), which aims to support Hong Kong students in pursuing undergraduate studies in the Mainland and ensure that no student will be deprived of post-secondary education opportunity due to a lack of means.

The MUSSS comprises two components: a “means-tested subsidy” (whereby students who have passed a means test will receive either a full-rate subsidy or a half-rate subsidy, depending on their needs) and a “non-means-tested subsidy”.

The subsidy is granted on a yearly basis, and the subsidised period covers the normal duration of the undergraduate programme pursued by the student concerned in the designated Mainland institution. Eligible applicants may only receive either a means-tested subsidy or a non-means-tested subsidy in the same academic year. The details and application form for MUSSS have been uploaded to the website of Education Bureau:


The HKSAR Government and the Ministry of Education signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Mainland and Hong Kong on Mutual Recognition of Academic Degrees in Higher Education (MoU) in July 2004. The MoU aims to simplify the procedures for mutual recognition of qualifications in higher education institutions of the two places and facilitate students in pursuing further study in recognised Mainland and Hong Kong higher education institutions empowered to award degrees at undergraduate or above levels.

On recruitment of civil servants by the HKSAR Government, qualification requirements for civil service posts are normally set with reference to qualifications obtainable under the local education system or from local institutions. Candidates holding non-local qualifications may also apply and will be considered for appointment if their qualifications are assessed as comparable in standard to the entry qualification requirements of the posts being applied for. Where applicable, in conducting an assessment for non-local qualifications, the Government may make reference to assessments of similar cases conducted in recent years. For details, please visit the website of Civil Service Bureau of the HKSAR Government:

Website of Civil Service Bureau