Applying for Identity Documents and Banking Services

Replacement and Reissuance of Home Return Permit and Application for Residence Permit

The short video mainly covers information and procedures about replacement of lost Hong Kong and Macao Residents Entry and Exit Permit (commonly known as Home Return Permit) and application for Residence Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents in the Mainland.


Hong Kong residents may apply for renewal or reissuance of Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents (commonly known as Home Return Permit) in the Mainland. The documents required include an application form for Home Return Permit, and the applicant’s valid Hong Kong Identity Card and the original Home Return Permit (for renewal of Home Return Permit). Applicants aged under 11 who have not yet applied for Hong Kong Identity Card or whose Hong Kong Identity Card does not bear a photo should present their Re-entry Permit or Document of Identity for Visa Purposes. Hong Kong residents aged under 18 must be accompanied by a guardian when applying for Home Return Permit.

When all the documents are ready, applicants may access the dedicated page for exit-entry services on the website of Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department (, where they can obtain the addresses of nearby local exit-entry service halls and make an appointment for application. During the process, applicants are required to:

  1. complete an application form for Home Return Permit;
  2. stick a photo that meets the requirements on the top right-hand corner of the application form for Home Return Permit;
  3. select the means of collection at the bottom of the application form, i.e. collection at an exit-entry service hall or delivery by post; and
  4. fill in a statement of loss on the application form (for reissuance of Home Return Permit).
Dedicated Page for Exit-Entry Services (Chinese Only)

Applicants should submit the documents and pay the application fee at a service window. Upon completion of the formalities, an acknowledgement receipt will be provided to the applicant, which should be produced along with the applicant’s identity document for collection of a newly issued Home Return Permit in due course. Normally it takes seven working days to complete the process.

Hong Kong residents who have lived in the Mainland for more than six months with a legitimate and stable job, a legitimate and stable residence or continuous school attendance may apply for Residence Permit for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Residents (Residence Permit).

For first-time application for Residence Permit, the documents required include the applicant’s valid exit and entry document, confirmation of submission of digital photos for Residence Permit, and proof of stay in the Mainland for no less than six months (an applicant should fulfil one of the following requirements: with a legitimate and stable job, with a legitimate and stable residence or with continuous school attendance). Applicants should submit the relevant documents, along with a completed application form for Residence Permit, to a police station or household registration office designated by the public security authorities of the people’s governments at county level in their places of residence. First-time application for Residence Permit is free. Residence Permit is valid for a period of five years.

For details, please visit the following webpage:

Guangdong accepts applications for Residence Permit for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Residents in the Mainland (Chinese only)