Core Cities - Guangzhou

Guangzhou, in the south-central part of Guangdong Province, is the capital of Guangdong Province. Known as the southern gateway of China, Guangzhou is a major railway junction and a hub of civil aviation in southern China, forging very close ties with different places throughout the country. While possessing immense integrated strength, Guangzhou has developed a comprehensive industry system and actively pursued technological innovation. Guangzhou has developed advanced manufacturing as its key industry, with automotive, petrochemical and electronic industries as the pillars in the east, port-area equipment manufacturing in the south, and airport-based economy in the north. Guangzhou strives to fully leverage its leading position as a national core city and an integrated gateway city, holistically strengthen its roles as an international commerce and trade centre and an integrated transport hub, forge and enhance its functions as technological, educational and cultural centres, and develop itself into an international metropolis.

- Industrial Structure
- Primary industry (agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery): 1.1% of GDP
- Secondary industry (industrial and construction): 27.4% of GDP
- Tertiary industry (service industry): 71.5% of GDP