
Key Node Cities - Zhuhai

Zhuhai is ideally situated in proximity to the South China Sea, and connecting with Macao over land in the south. Upon the completion of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Zhuhai has become the only city in the Mainland that connects with both Hong Kong and Macao by land routes. With a favourable living environment, Zhuhai received the “International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment” from the United Nations Human Settlements Programme.

2.48 million
1 725 km²
404.5 billion RMB
  1. Industrial Structure
  2. Primary industry (agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery): 1.5% of GDP
  3. Secondary industry (industrial and construction): 44.7% of GDP
  4. Tertiary industry (service industry): 53.8% of GDP